About Studio B

The vision for Studio B was inspired by Bari Sodikoff's love of fashion, trends and fine jewelry.  Bari currently resides in Minneapolis with her husband Darren and their twin boys, Billy and Miles.  She received her B.F.A. in jewelry design from the University of Kansas.  Bari has established herself throughout the midwest as a sales representative promoting fabulous accessory lines including belts, jewelry, purses, p.j.'s and more.  Her lines find their way into contemporary, upscale boutiques that cater to fashion savvy women.


You can see Studio B accessory lines at the Chicago Stylemax market,  the Northstar Fashion Group Minneapolis market, and the Fashion Group's Markets in Livonia, MI and Beachwood, OH.  You can also visit us by appointment.  Please feel free to contact Bari at 612-306-8277 or email at bari@studiobcollections.com with any questions or to schedule an appointment.


About Studio B
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